Maharashtra to conduct virus mutation screening in response to increasing chikungunya cases
Amid a 55% surge in chikungunya cases this year, the health department plans genomic sequencing of samples to detect possible mutations. Rare symptoms like hyperpigmentation and neurological issues ha...

During a sharp increase of 55% in chikungunya cases this year, the health department plans to conduct genetic sequencing of samples to detect potential mutations. Uncommon symptoms like hyperpigmentation and neurological issues have surfaced. In response to the nearly 55% surge in cases of chikungunya fever this year compared to last year, the health department will be carrying out genetic sequencing of certain positive samples to identify any genetic mutations in the virus. State health officials announced on Tuesday that unusual symptoms such as hyperpigmentation and neurological problems (involving swelling in brain or heart tissues) are not new but extremely rare. Dr. Mahendra Jagtap, joint director of the vector control program, mentioned that these symptoms may occur in chikungunya patients with co-infections like dengue or Japanese encephalitis, as outlined in guidelines released by the Centre last year. A rapid action team has been established by the state to investigate the reasons behind the rise in chikungunya cases from 1,702 in 2023 to 2,643 in 2024. The team has provided guidelines for officials at the civic and taluka levels on sending samples to the National Institute of Virology and B J Medical College in Pune for further analysis. The guidelines stipulate that two blood samples from patients exhibiting specific neurological symptoms such as paralysis and hyperpigmentation should be collected and sent for examination. Genomic sequencing aims to identify any mutations and potential neurotropic viruses in chikungunya patients, a crucial step according to Dr. Rajesh Karyakarte from B J Medical College."We will prioritize sequencing once we receive sufficient samples, especially from patients in the intensive care unit or those with severe symptoms," stated a doctor. Private sector hospitals in the city reported a significant increase in chikungunya cases this year, requiring hospitalization for patients with prolonged high fever and neurological complications. Children have also been affected, with an eight-month-old boy hospitalized in August. At Surya Children's Hospital, pediatrician Dr. Bhupendra Avasthi noted that children born to chikungunya-positive mothers may exhibit hyperpigmentation, a known symptom of the disease.